{{My USP friend, Stephanie, and me!}} |
Alright, so maybe I am a bit more stubborn than I care to
admit. (Emphasis on maybe.) But after that was pointed out to me here, I still
wasn’t convinced that my critics meant stubborn in the same way that Americans
use the term. So I did a little investigating, and I discovered that here, the
meaning of “stubborn” is more along the lines of bold or strong-willed. That’s
not too far from Webster’s answer, but I’ll take being called “bold” over
“difficult” any day of the week! (By the way, one of the times I got called
stubborn was during chapel on campus this week. My fellow USP students and I
were leading the worship songs, and all I did was spontaneously rap at the end
of one of them…is it such a crime to tell everyone that if they love Jesus they
should throw their hands in the air and wave them like they just don’t care?!)
In my book, boldness is a good thing. I mean, I’ve heard
rumors that there are perks of being a wallflower, but I’d much rather be out
on the dance floor! I think Ugandans would agree with me, but only if everyone
else was out there, too (which is not uncommon here). In a highly communal
culture like that of Uganda, blending in is valued much more than standing out
(hipsters, beware!). This is not to say that there is no room for freedom of
individual expression here, but it does mean that strong-willed personalities
like mine are less common, and that those who possess them are considered quite
stubborn. I can live with that though, because the benefits of being part of a
communal culture far outweigh the damper that it sometimes puts on my sparkly
bows (which I still wear here anyway…you know, since I’m so stubborn).
{{A little corner of Kampala, the capital city.}} |
On a professional level, I am grateful for the opportunity
to work with PRENT this semester because of the chance it has given me to dip
my toes in the waters of community development and to gain a better
understanding of the dynamics of cross-cultural social work. But even more
importantly, on a personal level, I am grateful for the opportunity to work
with PRENT this semester because of the amazing people that make up the PRENT
family – a family which I was warmly welcomed into from day one. When I arrived
at my orientation, there were about 8 people crammed into PRENT’s 10 foot by 10
foot office, ready to greet me with smiles and hugs. It was a beautiful thing
to have perfect strangers welcoming me – and genuinely, I might add – as if they had known me their entire
lives! (By the end of the meeting, they had even given me a Luganda name so
that I could really feel part of the
group – Princess Namutebi!) During orientation, I got a crash course on “PRENT culture,”
which includes “swallowship” (aka – sharing food), sweat equity (aka – everyone
does their fair share!), and a whole lot of prayer and encouragement for one
another – and I’ve been reveling in that culture ever since!
At PRENT, there are no bosses. We operate as a team in which
I am my neighbor’s boss and he is mine. Everyone’s opinion is valued, and no
one carries their burdens alone. And that’s a pretty good description of
Ugandan culture in general! Unlike in the West, where individualism and
efficiency run rampant, consensus and the well-being of the group are of much greater
emphasis in Uganda. One of the implications of this is that it’s pretty acceptable
to assume help from people here. In America, the recruitment of volunteers can be
a whole long process (which sometimes involves bribing people with Mocha Cookie
Crumble Frappuccinos...). Because of the tyranny of our schedules and social
calendars, it can be difficult to get people to commit. But here in Uganda, you
need only say the three magic words – “I need help” – and an entire army of Ugandan
maamas is there to back you up!
{{The PRENT family! :) }} |
I think that one of the reasons we rarely see this same
unashamed give-and-take in American culture is that there is a stigma on the
act of asking for help. While it’s perfectly acceptable to ask for help on behalf
of others (aka – charity), asking for help for yourself is too often seen
through the eyes of Uncle Sam as a sign of weakness, incompetency, and even
laziness. I will be the first to admit that I have a hard time asking for help.
I’ll gladly spend my days running around playing the hero for everyone else,
but in my hour of need, I often refuse to acknowledge the tear in my cape. If
any of you beloved readers can empathize with me on this issue, let me just
take a moment to encourage us all that this is not the way things have to be!
In fact, this is not even the way things are supposed to be. In the true story of the
creation of our world found in the beginning of the Bible, the Creator, after busting
out some sparkly stars and creepy crawlies, finally creates the first ever
human being. (And, after seeing that his hair turned out red, decided to name
him Adam! ;) ) Adam was given the freedom to run around the Garden of Eden and
the responsibility to take care of it, but the Creator realized that something
still wasn’t quite right about the pinnacle of His creation. Assessing the
scene, the Creator announced: “It is not good for man to be alone.” (Genesis
2:18) Did you hear that, folks? It is NOT
GOOD for man to be alone! I always thought that the reason the Creator said
this was simply because Eve was on the way, and He was giving Adam a fair
warning. But it turns out that there’s a lot more to it than that. It’s not
good for man (aka – PEOPLE) to be alone, because things are much harder that
way! If one solitary person tries to hold the weight of the world on her
shoulders, she will be crushed. But if each of us offers up a hand, the burden
is lifted. Simple.
{{A placemat factory in my community that my mom's friend runs. My kitchen table in the States just got African! :) }} |
But I do want to point out something that I have noticed in Uganda, which is that
followers of Jesus here are not too concerned about “quiet time!” (And when I
say “not too concerned,” I mean that I literally have never heard even one
Ugandan utter the term.) Ugandans absolutely seek out God on a daily basis, as
I have written about in previous posts, but they do it how? TOGETHER!!!!! At first, this was a hard cultural norm for me
to jump into, because to a large extent, I have been trained to connect with God
through individual, solitary “quiet time.” So in my first month or so here, I was
frustrated that there didn’t seem to be a place for that in this culture. All I saw instead was
everyone participating in fellowships at school or hanging out together on
their porches, drinking tea and talking about the things of God.
So eventually, taking my observations into consideration, I
decided to give the whole “community” thing a try. And ya know what? The truth
of Solomon’s words has been deeply reiterated to me in the process:
“Two are better than one, because
they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down,
one can help the other up.
But pity anyone who falls
and has no one to help them up.
Also, if two lie down together,
they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered,
two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”
(Ecclesiastes 4:9-12)
{{Namutebi and the boys! They were my backup during chapel. ;) }} |
So, in conclusion, friends, EMBRACE COMMUNITY! You don’t have to
journey through life on your own. You're not supposed to! God has designed this world in such a way that there is an Eve to every Adam out there, an
Ashley to every Mary-Kate, a Bonnie to every Clyde. (Alright, maybe that last
one wasn’t the best example…but you get the point.) My encouragement to you is to dig
deeper into the communities that you are a part of at this time in your life,
or to seek some out if you are feeling a little solo dolo. Remember: everyone
has something to give, everyone has something to receive.
Thanks a lot for journeying this far with me on my Ugandan
adventures! Can you believe I only have 3 weeks left of school?! Then I’m off
to Rwanda for the rest of April! Wheee! Hope to talk to you before then. :)
Until next time, be good to yourself and be good to
everybody else!
Thanks for caring,
Kelsey Jo